Government of Indonesia has expanded list of countries that free to enter to Indonesia (for holiday purpose only in selected points including Bintan) to 169 countries.

Albania Guyana Philippine
Algeria Haiti Poland
Argentina Iceland Poland
Andorra Holland Portugal
Angola Honduras Puerto Rico
Antigua and Barbuda HongKong SAR Qatar
Argentina Hungary Romania
Armenia Iceland Russia
Australia India Rwanda
Austria Ireland Saint Kitts and Navis
Azerbaijan Italy Saint Lucia
Bahama Ivory Coast Saint Vincent and Grenadis
Bahrain Jamaica Samoa
Bangladesh Japan Saudi Arabia
Barbados Kazakhstan San Marino
Belarusia Kenya Sao Tome and Principe
Belgium Kiribati Senegal
Belize Kuwait Serbia
Benin Komoro Islands Seychelles
Bhutan Kyrgyzstan Singapore
Bolivia Laos Slovakia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Latvia Slovenia
Botswana Lebanon Solomon Islands
Brazil Lesotho South Africa
British Liechteinstein South Korea
Brunei Darussalam Lithuania Spain
Bulgaria Luxemberg Sri Lanka
Burkina Faso Macao SAR Suriname
Burundi Macedonia Swaziland
Cambodia Madagascar Sweden
Canada Malawi Swiss
Cape Verde Malaysia Taiwan
Chad Maldives Tajikistan
Chile Mali Tanzania
China Malta Thailand
Costa Rica Marocco Timor Leste
Croatia Marshall Islands Togo
Cuba Mauritania Tonga
Cyprus Mauritius Trinidad & Tobago
Czech Mexico Tunisia
Denmark Moldova Turkey
Dominican Republic Monaco Turkmekistan
Dominika Mongolia Tuvalu
Ecuador Mozambic Uni Emirat Arab
Egypt Myanmar Uganda
El Savador Namibia Ukraine
Estonia Nauru Uruguay
Fiji Nepal USA
Finland New Zealand Uzbekistan
France Nikaragua Vanuatu
Gabon Norway Vatican
Gambia Oman Venezuela
Georgia Palau Vietnam
Germany Palestina Yordania
Ghana Panama Zambia
Greece Papua New Guinea Zimbabwe
Grenada Paraguay
Guatemala Peru
Burundi Macedonia
Last updated 28 March 2016

Apart from 169 countries above will require advance visa from an Indonesian Embassy. If in doubt please contact an Indonesian Embassy. Pangkil cannot take any responsibility for the veracity of this information.


In Singapore, the chancery (visa section) is contactable as follows:

Address: 7 Chatsworth Road, Singapore 249761
Phone: +65 6737 7422
Fax: +65 6737 5037 ; +65 6235 5783
Office Hours: Mon-Thu, 08:30-13:00 & 14:00-17:00
Fri, 08:30-12:30 & 14:30-17:00
Closed Sat.
Notes: Visas take about 3 working days

The costs of the visas in Bintan are USD15 (1-7 days) & USD35 (1-30 days). Overstays: USD20 per day (at least!)

  1. These fees are payable in US$ CASH. They usually accept S$ CASH but you’ll lose a few dollars per person at their inflated exchange rate
  2. You CAN NOT pay for visas using a credit card
  3. These are single entry visas
  4. The physical visa sticker takes up half page of your passport. Make sure you have space
  5. Your passport must have at least 6 months left before it expires
  6. You DO NOT require passport photos (but as seasoned travellers you probably have a couple tucked into your passport for emergencies)
  7. THIS SECTION APPLIES FOR THE LAGOI TERMINAL ONLY: Obtaining a visa on arrival can take as little as 5 minutes if your ferry is fairly empty. On a Friday night on the last ferry it can take up to an hour, so we strongly recommend that you obtain one from an embassy (or catch a ferry before 17:00)
  8. Visas On Arrival ARE now obtainable at the port of Tanjung Pinang. There are negligible queues for VoAs

The cost of a visa from the Indonesian Embassy (Singapore) is SGD70 (1-30 days validity)

  1. This is a single entry visa
  2. Obtaining a visa in advance will allow you and your group to travel to Tanjung Pinang directly and shorten the end-to-end travel time to Pangkil